min fina sean, han känner mig så väl. har tjatat om kaktusar ett tag nu, och vad
passar bättre än "blommor" på denna kärleksdag? rosor, kaktusar, same same :)
här är en del från en sång som jag verkligen gillar. jag lyssnar oftast inte på själva
texten i låtar (det är nog anledningen till varför jag gillar gangster-rap haha), men
den här sången har riktigt fin text. tycker den passar in lite på mig och sean.
i alla fall vissa delar.
I wish I could do better by you,
'cause that's what you deserve
You sacrifice so much of your life
In order for this to work.
While I'm off chasing my own dreams
Sailing around the world
Please know that I'm yours to keep
My beautiful girl
When you cry a piece of my heart dies
Knowing that I may have been the cause
If you were to leave
Fulfill someone else's dreams
I think I might totally be lost
You don't ask for no diamond rings no delicate string of pearls
That's why I wrote this song to sing
My beautiful girl
my wonderful sean, he knows me so well. i've been talking about cactuses for a while now,
and what suits better than "flowers" on this love day? roses, cactuses, same same :)
this is a part from a song that i really like. i usually never listens to the lyrics
(that's probably why i LOVE gangster-rap haha), but this has really beautiful text
in it. i think it suits me and sean a bit. at least some of the parts.
I wish I could do better by you,
'cause that's what you deserve
You sacrifice so much of your life
In order for this to work.
While I'm off chasing my own dreams
Sailing around the world
Please know that I'm yours to keep
My beautiful girl
When you cry a piece of my heart dies
Knowing that I may have been the cause
If you were to leave
Fulfill someone else's dreams
I think I might totally be lost
You don't ask for no diamond rings no delicate string of pearls
That's why I wrote this song to sing
My beautiful girl