Wednesday, December 14, 2011

negative thoughts

satt och velade flera timmar ifall jag skulle ta en springtur eller inte.
"vill inte vill inte" var tankarna, men vips hade jag på mig mina springkläder.
"men jag vill ju inte!" fortsatte tankarna. men. i med hörlurarna, på med skorna
och rätt var det var sprang jag längs vattned. och ungefär 20 minuter senare var
jag hemma igen. mycket gladare och starkare och piggare och stoltare.

njuter av sista kapitlet på alex schulmans bok samtidigt som jag äter min goda
thailändska kikärts-soppa. (tabletterna på bilden är vitamin för kvinnor och två


i sat down and were thinking about wether i should go for a run or not.
"don't want to don't want to" were the thoughts, but all of a sudden i was wearing
my running clothes. "but i really don't want to!" screamed my thoughts. but. i put
my earphones in and got my shoes on and a few minutes later i was running along the water.
about 20 minutes later i came back. much happier and stronger and more energized and

i enjoy the last chapter of alex schulman's book at the same time i'm eating
my delicious thai soup with chichpeas. (the pills on the photo is a witamin and
two cranberry pills).


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25 year old long haired girl, living in vancouver (canada), love creativity and cinnamon buns, photography, sunshine, family and friends and bicycles.
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