Sunday, September 18, 2011

nobody can walk in my shoes

fick superfina skor av mamma igår! ska ha dem på gymmet.
tror faktiskt det gör lite skillnad om man känner sig fin då man tränar.
för har man t.ex kort-byxor och ett tajt linne som visar armarna,
ser man ju hur musklerna ser ut och man ser liksom vad för resultat man får,
än om man gömmer sig i mjukisbyxor. eller? skorna gör ju ingen större skillnad,
mer än att de är fina.


got super pretty shoes from mom yesterday! gonna wear them at the gym.
i actually think it matters if you think you look good when you work out.
because if you're wearing shorts and a tight tank top that shows your arms,
you'll see what your muscles look like and you can immidiately see the result you get (
sort of), than if you're hiding in sweatpants. right? the shoes don't really make
that big of a difference, but they look pretty.


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25 year old long haired girl, living in vancouver (canada), love creativity and cinnamon buns, photography, sunshine, family and friends and bicycles.
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