Friday, July 15, 2011

romantic moments

lagade just en världsgod middag till mig och min karl.
ljummen pastasallad med körsbärstomater, ruccola, vitlök, parmesan, rödlök och olivolja
tillsammans med lax. och så vitt vin på det.
halva min familj kommer ju som sagt till veckan, så det kommer ju inte bli så många
romantiska tillfällen den närmsta tiden, så tänkte att det är bäst att passa på.

ska slå på min spotify-playlist nu som faktiskt heter "romantic moments", känns ju passande.
ganska mycket mariah carey och westlife... men också ray lamontagne,
bon iver and the rigtheous brothers.


just made me and my man a super delicious dinner.
warm pasta salad with cherry tomatoes, baby aragula, garlic, parmesan cheese, red onion
and olive oil, served with salomon. and white wine with it.
half of my family is coming next week, so it won't be that many opportunities for
romantic moments the next little while, so i thought it could be nice to "deal with it"
now (haha couldn't think of a better way of saying it).

gonna turn on my spotify-playlist now that actually is called "romantic moments",
pretty suitable. lots of mariah carey and westlife... but also ray lamontagne,
bon iver and the rigtheous brothers.


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25 year old long haired girl, living in vancouver (canada), love creativity and cinnamon buns, photography, sunshine, family and friends and bicycles.
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