Monday, June 6, 2011

two hands in the air if you don't really care, middle finger in the air if you don't really care

från i lördags då vi var och kollade på matchen på ett ställe som heter fortune.
superkul. eftersom matchen började fem, hade vi dansat klart kring 11 på kvällen.
ha! fiffigt tycker jag.
de flesta bilderna på kameran platsar inte riktigt här, men de här får allt duga.


from saturday when we went to watch the game at a place called fortune.
super fun. the game started at five so we were done dancing and celebrating around 11.
pretty good. most of the pics on my camera don't really suit my blog, but
these are alright.






vi vann förresten! andra i rad... behöver två till. ikväll klockan fem börjar nästa
match. laddad! /// we won by the way! the second in a row. need two more. tonight
at five is the next game. pumped!

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25 year old long haired girl, living in vancouver (canada), love creativity and cinnamon buns, photography, sunshine, family and friends and bicycles.
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