Sunday, May 13, 2012

seen from above

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this weekends outfits

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fun times

hittade inte på så särskilt mycket i helgen. gick ut å åt å drack goda drinkar med trevliga vänner. ganska normalt för att vara oss. alla är glada, nu när solen är här.


didn't do that much this weekend. went out for dinner and delicious drinks with nice friends. pretty normal for us. everyone is so happy, now when the sun is here. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

last night on the beach

fy vad fint att bo 200 meter från stranden...


so nice to live 200 meters from the beach...

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happy mothers day!

idag åkte vi ut till north van för att fira sean's mamma på morsdagen och samtidigt ta itu med hennes trädgård. min uppgift var att rensa ormbunkar. jösses vad svårt. hårt arbete med andra ord. dessutom brände jag mig på mina axlar. ÄR DET SOMMAR NU?

underbar dag hur som helst! här kommer foton från idag.


today we went out to north van to celebrate sean's mom on mothersday and at the same time help her out with her garden. my assignment was to clear out some ferns. damn it was difficult. hard work in other words. i also got a sunburn on my shoulders. IS IT SUMMER NOW?

wonderful day! here are some photos from today.
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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

friday night

i fredags drack vi cider på stranden, skrattade, cyklade och åt nachos på en piratbar. allt med grymma kompisar.


on friday we drank cider on the beach, laughed, biked and ate nachos on a pirate bar. all with dope friends. Photobucket

little long red dress

from american apparel.

they grow and then they fall back down

on my way home the other day.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

working braid

time for work! tonight pilates and hopefully some movie theatre popcorn.
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My photo
25 year old long haired girl, living in vancouver (canada), love creativity and cinnamon buns, photography, sunshine, family and friends and bicycles.
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